Bowwows in the Parlor
November/December 1883
Dear Fuff,
I did have the most beautiful time yesterday afternoon — I feel as if I had seen another country in Europe, oh a great deal better than that! though I only went wandering over a great tract of pasture-land down along the river — You would think it were is such a lonely place, and I shall have to write about it one of these days, for I saw so many things — I never had known anything beyond the edges of it before. It was the sweetest weather in the world and Rogery went —
But last night there was a dismal time, for the two bowwows got into the parlor together and first thing I knew there was a pitched battle, and I was afraid the lamps and everything would be tipped over before I could get hold of anybody’s collar. And Roger passed a suffering night with a lame paw and broke my rest all to pieces with his whining, and Browny’s ear was damaged and dogs are at a discount! (I must run to the post office with this or you won’t get it tonight — Dear darling I hope you will feel like going to the lecture but I see that Mr. Arnold can’t be heard easily — so perhaps you would only see him! Dont get tired dear and you know I am going to you so soon now your own Pin.