“And when I think it was my dear little Fuffy who wrote it…”

Thursday afternoon

June, 1883

This is a lazy loitering Pinny Lawson who came over to the old house directly after dinner to write as fast as she could, but she got hold of the box of her dear T.L’s letters and has been reading one more and one more until a great piece of the afternoon is gone.  Oh my dear darling I had forgotten that we loved each other so much a year ago — for it all seems so new to me every day — There is so much for us to remember already — But a

year ago last winter seems a great way off for we have lived so much since.

I have had a hard time of worry and hard work since you went away on Monday. I wish I could be idle all the rest of June, that is not feel forced to do things. But I suppose it cannot be and the only thing possible in a busy life is to rest in ones work since one cannot rest from it.  I think a good deal about the long story but it has not really taken hold of me yet.  I do get so impatient with myself dear Fuffy.  I am always straying off on wrong roads and I am so wicked about things.  This is one of the times when I think despairingly about my faults and see little chance of their ever being mended. — But Fuffy to have patience with Pin and please to love  her! —

I have been reading Under the Olive a good deal in this last day or two and I cant [sic] begin to tell you how beautiful

it is to me — and how helpful.

I long to hear you read from it again.  And when I think it was my dear little Fuffy who wrote it, it seems quite amazing — It is like remembering that I have dared to talk nonsense and hug and play generally with something that turned itself into a whole world full of thoughts and sights and beautiful things —  Fuffy and this poet are a funny pair to live in the same skin you know, ladies!  Oh Pinny to go to work!  An idle and thriftless Pinny to whom the rest of the Lawsons are industrious.

How is Roger?  I suppose he is all right and makes big mud tracks on the clean floor — and is just the same as ever, but I like to know — ).  I look forward always to having you again and being with you — it is so lovely, and I shut my eyes and look all about — at the rock and down into the orchard and out to sea. And I want to hear somebody say yes, when I say Fuf-fy!  which doesn’t happen now. — And Pin just said it out loud to see, because she is alone too — you know.  — How nice about Sandpiper!  Good night darling  —  from Pin.)