Love Letters
Dear darling
I have just sent you some pussy willows. I waited for them to bloom out a little bit. I don’t know how they happened to show themselves so early here this year, but it is a willow I know of old to be an early bloomer — — I send you a little poem of Lily Fairchild’s which I am sure you will like to see. Once when I was there I had a lot of my verses which we looked over, for she has always wished me to make a little book of them — And when we came to the boat-song that you liked, it reminded her of this one of hers, and after she said she wrote it off for me — I am having a good time with Cora– she is in her sweetest and dearest and quietest mood, and I can see already that she is feeling better —
We talked a good while last evening because there was really so much to say! and we stole up to bed at last feeling like two guilty children, but Mother was kind and did not hail us, and tonight I mean to repay her by turning in very early indeed! — The weather is very thawy but I am getting on pretty well. I have told John to bring round the long sleigh and take us out for a drive but I am afraid the roads are soft. Tomorrow I am going to try to get up early and take Cora over the pond and through the woods to the scene of the Winter Drive sketch — John thinks the logging roads will yet serve us!
Dear love I am so often sending you messages — and I hope the ‘little white mother’ don’t forget them by the way — Are you sure you know how much I love you? If you don’t I can’t tell you! but I think of you and think of you and I am always being reminded of you.
I am yours most lovingly — S. O. J